Thursday, May 31, 2007

Family Pictures

We had family pictures taken while here in Hawkinsville. If you have a few minutes, click here. Hattie was an absolute DEMON during the photo shoot. Look at how disgusted she looks in all of them. Towards the end we got a few good ones.

Jody is flying back to Bismarck tomorrow. We've had such a wonderful time visiting with our families. Silas cried at bedtime tonight because he's not ready to go back to North Dakota. That breaks my heart.

Also, Tanner's baseball team won his championship tonight. Congratulations Tanner.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Problem SOlved...I think

I think I've solved the picture problem. Jody said I was using thumbnails, not the right size pics. So, as I can, I am uploading the pictures to winkflash...its taking a while I don't have undivided time to sit and load them a few at a time.


We went to the Georgia Aquarium today. It was so fun. We had a great time. The kids were great. It was fascinating. Beluga whales, tarpin, jelly fish, otters, penguins and more. The food we ate for lunch was delicious too. If you are ever in the area, you should go.

Tomorrow, hopefully, we are going to Lane Packing, one of my favorite places to go while in middle GA. But sadly b/c of the early freeze and current drought, they have lost 80% of their crop. But hopefully they still made their unbelievable homemade icecream. I hope so.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

On the MEND

This bug that we have contracted and passed on is really unbelievable. When you are sick with it, you are out of it.

Yesterday afternoon, of the 12 people in the house, EVERY ONE of them was asleep. At one point, I went around and checked everyone, and then I just said, heck with it, I'll just take a nap too. Jody's mom and grandmother stayed in the bed all day. "The Cousins" (as Silas refers to them all as) were laid up different places around the house. Jody's dad was in his bed. Jody's sister, Jerre was on the couch. My kids all fell asleep for their regular naps. (silas gave up naps this past fall, but has re-instated them as of this vacation). It was like an infirmary or something.

But then, 24 hrs later, they are all up and around. All "the cousins" went to school and those that had to be at work went. Go figure.

To change the subject (and I think I'm done blogging about the plague)...I am working on a scrapbook for my mom and mother-in-law. I copied all the pics I wanted to a CD. Jody took them to Walmart and I hated the quality of the prints he brought back. They were grainy, dark and just not sharp like they look on the computer. I returned them and decided to do them online. has a 6cent deal going on right now. But when I uploaded my files, there was a disclaimer that my prints may be low-quality b/c of the size of the file. Does anyone know what that means? HELP. Does that mean I have my camera on some setting that will never let me print good quality prints? What should I do?? I"m really worked up about this, I welcome any advice.

Monday, May 28, 2007

Almost Funny

Its almost funny...if it weren't so awful.

While at the beach, we ALL got sick. Throwing up and diarrhea. Hattie threw up on the beach, Luke threw up on the table (right after we had finished supper)...then we get to Georgia and last night, all the cousins started. Anna Kathryn first, then Tanner, but the part that is the most memorable for me is awakening at 5am to hear Avery run down the hall and not make it to the bathroom before loosing it and then call for MawMaw. It was like deja vous...all over again. The worst part it that today was our day to go to the Georgia Aquarium. We already bought tickets. I don't think that is going to happen.

Aside from all the sickness, we've had a great time. And its still not over. So, I"m going to post some pics of the beach. Then in a few days, I'll post more of us here in GA.

Friday, May 18, 2007

We MADE it!

We woke up at 3am to get to the airport for a 5am flight this morning. Praise the Lord, everything ran so smoothely. All the kids woke up happily and got right in their carseats. Silas was an angel. He was so excited and wide-eyes the entire time. He loved flying. Hattie did fine. The pressure got to her ears a few times, so she cried for her pacifier, which I actually let her have, much to my chagrin. And we had a big time scare that we lost "Little bear", the dumb nasty McDonald's bear. But after everyone got off the plane, Jody found it on the back row of the plane. Luke was his normal sweet self.

We were so happy to get here. DeeDee, Pa, and Joy picked us up. We had ChickFilA for lunch. Everyone is waking up from naps now, better run...

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Coming up for air

First of all, I HATE that I haven' t blogged for like 2 weeks. I miss it! I love blogging. But I feel like I shouldn't even be sitting here at the computer right now, there is SO much to be done.

I did sit down at the computer one other time several days ago, Friday I think it was. I had a nice entry typed out and somehow I lost it. I decided I didn't have time to fool with it.

My last 2 weeks have been spent moving stuff from the apartment to the house. Trying to get it organized in the house before bringing more stuff in has been my goal. The stuff caught up with me, but it is just waiting in the garage.

The kids have been pretty good thru the whole process. We all love the new house.

Here are some things that have happened:

Luke figured out how to climb. He climbed UP on a stool and proceede to pull things off an end table. Then, thinking he was safe at the bottom of the stairs, I left him only to find he had climbed to the TOP of the stairs!! I couldn't believe it.

Hattie is attached to this little bear (a McDonald's toy from this summer). Her name is Carmen and she goes everywhere. Everytime Hattie wakes up, she comes to me and says, I sleep a yittle bit. And she is enjoying being the little mommy to Silas and Luke. She reminds Silas, Yukey just a baby, Bubby.

Silas had his final speech session yesterday and the therapist was thrilled with his progress. Silas must be going thru a growth spurt because he's eating like a champ. He's asking for seconds! And Silas asks every morning if it is time to visit his family. (We are headed to the Carolinas and Georgia on Friday).

A huge shout out to my friend Stacy for helping me refocus at the apartment last week. I needed it. And to my friend Lisa for watching all 3 kids TWICE for us while we have been moving. Thanks to Ben and Ryan for helping Jody with the BIG stuff. Its been a long couple of weeks. Moving with 3 kids while Jody still works has been very hard. But last night I cleaned and scoured (sp?? The spell check isn't working on the computer I'm using) the apartment. I'm ready to turn those keys in and concentrate on packing for our trip and continue organizing here.

I have TONS more I could say. Hopefully I'll find time to blog better soon.

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Its official

It's official, we are HOME OWNERS. We still can't believe how easy it was to just sign our lives away. Ha. We are thrilled.

Silas was disappointed we weren't sleeping there tonight. I don't know when we will actually sleep there. I want to get stuff settled. I'd rather not wake up to a gigantic mess right away. So tonight Jody hung blinds in 2 rooms. He put a few lamps together. I brought our dishes over. Not the plastic ones, but all the others. And of course some necessities like toilet paper and hand soap.

Tomorrow the work begins. Furniture and books and toys...and its supposed to storm all day. I guess the major winds are blowing it in. It was SOOOOOOOOOO windy today. I told Hattie little girls like her could blow away. When we stepped outside, she said, Little girls Hattie blow away.

One more funny. Silas walked into his class today and went up to his teacher and said, Now Kathy, my mom and dad are going to buy our house today, so I'm going home with Shane. He is so proud.

I don't know how much "free time" I'm going to have in the next few days. We'll see. I'll try to post pictures soon too.

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Closing on the House

We are so excited. Tomorrow at 2pm, we are closing on our house. Yay. Finally.

We will have 2 weeks to get moved over from the apartment before we leave for our vacation to visit our family in SC and GA. That seems like a lot, but if you know me, you will be worried. I am a terrible mover/packer.

My roommate Jill, sister Holly and my mom, oh, and Jody, can attest to this more than any others. I kind of get paralyzed when I see all I have to do. I hoping to do a bunch of laundry basket trips. I don't know. Pray for me.

Silas is growing some flowers in a styrofoam cup. He planted them at school and has been monitoring their growth. There are 3 little sprouts. Or there were 3 little sprouts this morning. Silas and Hattie were looking at them at the table while I was making breakfast. Then Silas burst into tears. When I looked over, Hattie was staring at a crying Silas totally confused. In her hand was a little sprout she had plucked out of the cup. She thought she had done something funny, and Silas was devastated. He finally got over it and we are just going to watch the 2 sprouts now.

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Me Today

Does this picture make you laugh? I can't help but laugh when I see this picture. My mom sent it with a bunch of other pictures. First of all, I think maybe its enhanced, the eyes look too human.

But honestly, by the end of today, I feel like I looked like this. I do a lot of days. Ha.