As a background, I really don't like birds. I've talked about the history of birds and myself (and my mom and my sister) here.
Those birds that were freaking me out that night are STILL in the chimney and they made babies. I think there are like 13 little birds too! Its crazy.
I think what is happening is the poor mama bird is working her butt off bringing food to all those baby birds. And EVERYTIME it sounds like...I don't even know how to describe it. They are SO loud. Luke says everytime, "what dat noise?" Hattie says, "be quiet you stinkin' birds!". And Silas told me, "Mom, I know how to make them go away. We just need to put a fire in the fire place and open that door."
I don't know what to do. I keep thinking they are going to grow up and fly out soon...right?? RIGHT?? Birds are so strange. We have SO many trees in our yard, but the chimney was their choice.
Don't know how often I'll post. We are headed to Wilmington tomorrow.
Merry Christmas From The Via Colony
2 months ago
Another funny bird story - we just took the kids on vacation where the hotel restaurant was open-air, and as we sat near the pool, dozens of birds were hungrily pecking up the leftovers on a nearby table. John (now 3) was TERRIFIED of the birds, and they flew in and around the eating area. We moved, but to calm him, I taught him to swing his napkin at them and yell "Roarrrr!" if the got too close...which to him, close is 100 feet away or nearer. Anyway, we spent the entire meal with him standing on his chair yelling ROAARRR!!! an dsnaping his cloth napkin. It was comical, especially the comments about my "Roarr-er" from people the rest of the day at the resort. Fun!
Anne Dahmen
Hey, if you want a picture in your header, I can do it for you and add text to it!! Just let me know.
We now have our THIRD nest on our front porch! I afraid of using my own front door!
Just to warn you, they will be able to fly in a couple weeks but I'm not sure the babies will be able to fly out of the chimney. They may end up down in your fireplace. Also there shouldn't be 13; more like 4 would be normal.
Hey I tried to respond to your e-mail, but it was returned that your mailbox was full!! DELETE ;)
We MAY be in your area in July/August visiting some friends and trying to get some new supporters. (things are "trying" right now!) Thought maybe we could come by and bug oh I meant to say see you ;) (I wish I knew how to do that word cross out thing!)
I had a woodpecker waking me up at 630 every morning the week before we left for the trip! I havent heard him yet... I agree.. birds are weird!!!
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