After an ALL NIGHT drive, Silas was delivered safely to us at about 11:00am this morning.
We were SO happy. Hattie, Luke and I made a "Welcome Home Silas" sign. This is important because Silas thinks that whenever someone has been gone, a welcome home sign is a must. I think he was impressed with it. (See above pic)
I can't believe my parents drove all night. 12 hours. WHAT?? I don't think I could be a part of that. I mean I don't think I'd be a fair partner in that if Jody and I decided to do that. I can't stay up past 10pm. I'm hopeless. I was worried my parents were getting too old for driving all night. I woke up at like 3am and was worried...I was praying for safety and alertness. I know God answered my prayers because they pulled in the driveway and only looked slightly weary. (They left our place to go home and nap. I think I may check on them here in a little phone)
Silas had a GREAT time. He has lost his voice. Just like Hattie. Its very strange. And he actually took a nap!! (that's a huge feat for his active little mind, to stop thinking and NAP) He made lots of friends. He became proficient with a snorkel thanks to Pa (my dad). He got a prize one day in his class at the "Happy Heart City" for Best Behavior. He made the "perfect" s'more.
I think we are all going to go next year. I am SO hoping the Stephens will join us. And the Mays. And the Jones. And anyone else who is interested for that matter! Click here for details. We are going to decide what week we are going to go soon. They are booking up FAST. So if you are interested, let me know!!
I had a great week watching Silas have fun!! I took some pictures and had planned on posting them on my blog while he was here. I wanted you to see him in action while he was away. Please know that my intentions were great, but I apologize for not putting them into motion. I am so glad that he is home safely.
By the way....GREAT SIGN!!!
I hope we'll be able to come. Let us know as soon as you know when it is next year! That 12-hour drive is a long one! That's what we drive every time we go to Iowa and we left Iowa at 11 pm last 4th of July to be back here so I could go to my follow-up appointment with my surgeon! I wasn't much help at all with driving. I tried a few times and one of them I lasted about 15 minutes before I had to switch! I'm glad your parents delivered Silas to you safely!
I'm interested! I've been wanting to go to Falmily Camps for a long time. Maybe next year can be the year... I'll work on Joshua!
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