Tuesday, October 30, 2007


I feel like I am going everywhere twice today.

The dentist office called me yesterday to remind me that Silas and Hattie had appointments Tuesday at 10:30. I'm glad they called, because I had NO idea we had appointments at all. Jody was staying at the house today to study, so I left Luke with him, napping for at least half of the time. I drove the kids to the dentist. They did great, no cavities, and they acted like their new toothbrushes were made of gold or something.

So we got back home by 11:15. I fed everyone lunch and then had to go back out to take Silas to speech at 1:00. I went the same route as I did to the dentist, so we saw the same Halloween decorations.

I hate that feeling. The feeling that I should have just stayed out and took Silas while we were out. I double the miles on my car and used twice the gas. BUT if we stayed out, I would have spent money on lunch and inevitably something else that I didn't need.

Jody put Hattie and Luke down for pm naps. I went to the grocery store. Then when I got back, I actually got several things done. The dishwasher unloaded, groceries put away, kitchen swept and counters wiped. It was wonderful, I had NO little ones pulling on me or calling me. (Silas rides the bus home from speech, so I don't even have to hear him ask me 8 times , "Is rest time over?").

But back to my going places twice, I am going to a friends house tonight, and I forgot that Jody has praise team practice. So I am going to go out again, backtracking to get my sitter here and back.

I'm not complaining. It just feels like I should have a better mapping system. But why spoil a crazy mind anyway??

Monday, October 29, 2007

New Words

I LOVE when a baby starts saying words. Its so funny to me. Luke has decided to spew out lots of new words lately. Here is a list of some of them:

  1. baby
  2. purple
  3. apple
  4. snow-cat
  5. Bubba
  6. Hattie
  7. wa-wa
  8. up
  9. ba-yoon
You can see he is saying words that have significance for others in the family. He has also started throwing himself down on the floor in protest...where has he seen that behavior??

Thursday, October 25, 2007

One beautiful day

Today it was 75 degrees here in Bismarck. It was wonderful. The kids and I were invited to my friend, Lisa's house for lunch. She lives in the middle of no-where. Its a gorgeous drive, about an hour west of Bismarck. It always makes me think of God's creativity. The flat prairie turns into this landscape with jutting rocky cliffs. The sky is so BIG, it feels like you are in a planatarium. Lisa and her husband and 2 adorable girls live on big piece of land. The kids played outside, with NO coats on. Lisa's family has a nice dog and a cute litter of kittens. ( I almost brought one home, but I knew Jody would flip. )

Then, since it was pretty late for naptime, we just skipped it and went to our favorite park. It was just so nice to be outside. The weather man says the cold is on the way, so I really wanted the kids to be outside, since we probably won't want to for a while.

I made pulled pork BBQ in the crockpot for supper. It was delicious. Then I went to a Pampered Chef party at my friend Alyse's. My mini-spatula broke a while back, so I bought new one.

Great day. Jody is taking the day off tomorrow, so it should be another great one. Hope you all have a great one too.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Poor Snow-Cat

Silas loves his Gerbil Snow-Cat so much. It's actually wonderful leverage for reward. He loves to hold him and talk to him and sing to him. I do think the gerbil is pretty cute. He's getting used to us and he's not hiding under his wheel everytime someone walks up to the cage.

Today Silas was sitting the chair and I heard him so, uh-oh. Mom, SNow-Cat is bleeding. I go RUSHING over. I'm already paranoid that the gerbil is going to get loose in the house and my mom is NEVER going to come visit me again.

Well, the lady at PetSmart told SIlas and Jody that you can hold the gerbil by his tail. Dumb lady???

Now I have a gerbil with the tip of his tail missing.

I looked it up on the internet. God made gerbils to where their tails detach easily so they can get away from predators. It's not going to grow back, but he should be ok in 3 days or so. Silas was crying, but when I told him how God made gerbils, he was very relieved. And in his prayer at supper time he explained the whole thing to God and thanked him for the way HE made gerbils.

Enjoy the pics.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Satin Lips

I have ALWAYS loved chapstick. I remember this friend of mine in elementary school, Saskia de Groot who was constantly applying chapstick, and we were great friends, so I started "using". Ha. Who knew it would become a life-long habit.

I love all kinds.

I like plain, no name brand just as well as blistex, carmex (which Holly loves, always has and I love to dig my fingernail into her perfectly smoothed out surface anytime I can), any kind really. My mom gave me this Elizabeth Arden 8 Hour lip balm, its great, it really lasts a long time.

Starting sometime yesterday, I had chapped lips that were not going away. I was very annoyed today when my re-applying of chapstick wasn't working. Then I remembered this Mary Kay, Satin Lips set I won at a party last year. I've used it several times, never really needing it...until today.

Its awesome. There are 2 tubes. The first one is like a mask with little scrubbies you put on your lips, rub it in and leave it one for 2 minutes. Then you wash that off and put the lip balm on.

I'm telling you, it did the trick.

Just thought I'd share, since chapped lips are just about in season.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

A Good Head-ache

RIght now I have a good head-ache. Yes, its pounding, but here's how I got it:


It was great. Jody kept the kids all day. They bought a gerbil, whose name is "Snow-Cat". They picked up the house. Everyone had eaten lunch. I went to the Civic Center from 8:30-5:30. I got to hang out with one of my FAVORITE people, Stacy Stephens. I got 9 pages done. Most of the pages are for Luke's baby book.

I feel like I accomplished SO much and it wasn't a task I dread. The next 'crop' is on my birthday and I already told Jody that that's what I want to do for my birthday.

SO, my headache is from leaning over pictures and scrapbooks all day and coming home to make dinner, get the kids bathed and in bed. Of course I had to meet Snow-Cat. He makes me nervous because the lady at the pet store told Silas to pick him up by the tail and I'm just afraid he's going to either murdered or MEAN.

Hope you all had a great Saturday too.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

The Party

So, my tupperware party was so fun. I don't even know what the results of it are yet or if I'll get a much of a credit but I honestly don't care.

I was the hostess to 7 ladies. Each one is a friend of mine, most didn't know eachother. But I knew each of them. I loved knowing each one and different things about them. I loved NOT being the outsider for the first time since moving to Bismarck. It was great.

Jody got home from Fargo today too and EVERYONE was happy, especially ME.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Easy Suppers

Jody is in Fargo for the next couple of days and although we miss him when he's gone, I do like suppers without him...only because I don't cook. There's no point. The kids aren't good eaters anyway, so why make something that no one will really enjoy. Jody enjoys everything I cook. He's fun to cook for, but not the kids.

So, tonight, I just opened up 2 cans. Chicken and Stars soup and Mandarin Oranges. I had a salad and everyone ate great.

I wonder what I can open up tomorrow...oooh, I'm having a tupperware party tomorrow night. Wish you all could come.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

So 2000

That's what I was told today, "Oh, that is so 2000".

First of all, I am NOT slamming these guys, I am not mad at them. I am still laughing at this conversation I had today with 3 teens at our church.

I was asking 2 of the girls if they had gotten the email I had sent earlier this week. They looked at me and said, we don't do email, that is so 2000. I just about guffawed in their face. What? Am I that OUT now? It was so funny.

I got to thinking, how do these guys communicate? Texting, IM-ing, Myspace and Facebook? I guess so. I thought email was still pretty cutting edge communication. Isn't it? I don't know. LOL. I am still processing it.

I guess I'm getting old.

Saturday, October 13, 2007


Every time the seasons change, its exciting. Its refreshing to walk outside and just be in the different weather. I love to anticipate the holidays that will be coming up.


I HATE the clothes ordeal. I hate to go thru all the drawers and closets and pull out the stuff we won't be wearing in the months ahead and then re-fill the drawers with the right season's clothes and then PUT AWAY the ones I just took out of the drawers and closets. I feel like I'm just handling and re-handling everything.

When the job is done, its wonderful, but in the midst of the job, its torture for me.

Well, I am happy to say that as I type this email, the job is done. My mom and I tackled the kids clothes earlier this week. Jody and I worked on our own clothes today, and I am relieved to have it done.

Thanks, mom, for giving me the push I needed to get this done NOW. Without you, I think I would have had the trunks and bags strewn here and there as we picked and chose what we needed as I slowly pulled things out of the drawers because they were so stuffed. Ha. I am such a messie.

Friday, October 12, 2007

The Wave

Well, my mom is leaving today. I am SO glad she came. She's like superwoman when it comes to organizing. And so we organized the kids' rooms and seasonal clothes. Man. It was a lot of work, but I am so happy with the results. Its amazing.

We hate to see her go.

Meanwhile, we have contracted some stomach bug. Luke started it on Tuesday night, throwing up several times. Then I got it Wednesday night. Then last night Silas got it before dinner and Hattie in the middle of the night. Jody hasn't thrown up, but he's been nauseous for 2 days. I am really hoping my mom doesn't get it, and at least not while she's in transit to SC.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Extreme Home Make-over

Sorry I have been absent this week. We have had a group of college student here for their fall break. And LOOK what they did for me...

I am SO happy with the colors we picked out. I just love the new look.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

The Drawl

Tonight I had 13 girls at the bible study at University of Mary. Its a good group. They seem to really like the study, The Amazing Collection. Its kind of like a Beth Moore type where you watch a video and discuss. (or vice versa)

This series has several women who rotate teaching. They are very good. They are all Texans, I think. But tonight, the teacher had a real drawl. Now, growing up in Miami, I didn't live around many southerners. Then I met Jody...ha. Well, I learned to love that southern boy and his family. In college, in South Carolina, I made LOTS of southern friends. Sometimes I had to ask for them to spell a particular word they were saying...but I got used to it.

Here in North Dakota, Jody is a rare breed. He opens his mouth and people want to know where he is from. North Dakotans have a distinct accent.

Well, that lady on the video tonight was making these North Dakotan and Minnesotan girls giggle. Which of course made me giggle. I don't know how much they got out of the video tonight. Oh well, the discussion went well.

My MOM is arriving TOMORROW. We are so excited, this is the first time DeeDee has come to visit us.

Monday, October 1, 2007

Pumpkin Patch

In the hay bales, this is my favorite pic.

Hattie among some pumpkins, clutching a "baby" one.

The pumkin pirate, who went to the patch dressed like this, cape and all.
Oops, got caught standing up...that little rascal.

We did get one with Jody too, but it was a little blurry.
I couldn't resist adding this one from LAST year's Papa's Pumpkin Patch trip.

Bismarck has Papa's Pumpkin patch every year. Actually this year marks the 25th year. These people are INGENIOUS. We went yesterday, Sunday, afternoon and there were HUNDREDS of people there. There's a petting farm, a hay bale maze, play areas, slides, and thousands of pumpkins and gourds. They are not overly priced either. We had so much fun picking out the perfect pumpkins and gourds for our fall decorations. Enjoy the pics.