So this night, three years ago I was in labor with Hattie Ruth. We were in Nairobi, Kenya. I had eaten an eggplant dish (said to induce labor, and it worked for me). I went into labor at about 10pm and at 2am we were blessed with a beautiful baby girl with a head full of hair.
I've been thinking about the Mays (Dodd, Whitnee, Xan, Hannah, Austin, and Jessie) and Natalie West a lot today. I would have never survived that month at Hampton House, waiting for Hattie to be born with out them. Jody was in Uganda and I needed to be close the doctor. But I was terrified of being stuck in a hotel-type room with Silas who was almost 2 at the time. The Mays and Natalie took me in and made my time pass by so quickly.
My mom made the trip to Kenya for the birth. Jody, Natalie and my mom thought I was going to die as they watched me bleed without explanation. Poor baby Hattie was whisked away and left ALONE in the nursery as everyone on the floor attended to me.
What a night. But SO worth it. Hattie Ruth is a constant entertainment for our family. She is obsessed with girly things. She LOVES purple, princesses, changing clothes, anything miniature, make-up, shoes...sometimes I wonder if she's really mine! She's so much like her Aunt Holly.
Of course I know she's mine. The Ugandans always called her "the Photo-Copy". And people today still comment on how much she looks like her mommy.
3 Years old tomorrow, February 27 - Hattie Ruth, we love you!!!