Saturday, November 3, 2007

Strange things I just can't figure out

Why is it that:

  • White shirts are magnets for red sauce splatters?

  • Luke tries to step into the pile I am sweeping up on the floor?

  • I can NEVER find a pacifier when I need it?

  • No matter how much sleep he has had, Jody wakes up EVERY morning and says, "I don't know why I am so tired"?

  • My sister Joy always calls when I am in the middle of something that I can't get out of?

  • My house can be spotless one instant and a disaster area the next?

My list could go on and on. Got a good one for me?


GE is me said...

Why clean clothes either on yourself or the baby are a definite magnet for spit-up or blow-outs.

Girl, I so feel your pain! Never had the pacifier issue though.

Hope it hasn't started getting too cold in ND.


Parkison Family said...

Why every time i bathe my son; he then proceeds to have the worst diaper ever after I just got him all clean???

Why is it that he falls asleep in the car and while we are sitting at the restaurant and as soon as the food comes he starts to cry???

But I will say...being a mom, is worth every little inconvenience

Stacy said...

Why is it that every time I want to try and start liking my dog, she goes and does another thing to completely annoy me, like being sprayed by a skunk? Or licking her chops at 2am? Or, scramble to the stairs every time I get up to go to the bathroom in the night hoping I might go downstairs to feed her?

J.E. said...

I can't figure out how sometimes I put my clothes on inside and out and don't realize it til I walk in my office and the boss is standing right there!!!!

J.E. said...

I can't figure out how sometimes I put my clothes on inside and out and don't realize it til I walk in my office and the boss is standing right there!!!!

Karen @Snakes-Snails-Puppydogtails said...

I cracked up! Bryan says EVERY day... I'm so tired! Sometimes I wonder HOW he's so tired!

The Via Colony said...

Why is it that the one morning that I DO get myself out of bed to have my quiet time Before the kids wake up, they decide to get up SUPER EARLY!!!

4under3 said...

I laughed at the "stepping in the swept pile on the floor" one. I have a Luke (20 months) who does the same thing. It's better now though...he used to lean down and lick it when he was a crawler. Ahhhh! I guess he is the only boy of the group..he's allowed a couple of those gross incidents.